Sunday 2 April 2017

St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Milagiriya

The history of the site where St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Milagiriya, is located could be traced back to the Portuguese period during the sixteenth century. The Portuguese built a Roman Catholic Church which was destroyed by the Dutch. The British built the Anglican Church in 1848, and at that time the Church had a small congregation and a school. There was a well in the Church compound which was believed to contain water with a miraculous healing quality, and people from all over the country came to this Church. Initially, the congregation consisted mainly of Europeans and Burghers.

But, during the transition period in the 1960s, many Europeans left the Island and the Burghers migrated to Australia and England. The Church then came under the local leadership of the elite and influential. Rev. Fr. Lucien Jansz was the first Sri Lankan Vicar from 1920 to 1953.

There have been many extensions done to the Church over the years. St. Paul’s Church belongs to the Church of Ceylon, which is the Anglican Church in Sri Lanka, and it is a part of the diocese of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Reverend, Justin Welby.

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