Saturday 21 January 2017

Koneshwaran: ancient shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva.

It’s little wonder that the historic Koneshwaran Temple has the reputation of being the best-known tourist attraction where people from all walks of life throng, when they visit the city of Trincomalee. According to puranas, Lord Shiva, accompanied by the Devas, Rishees and others, is said to have taken their abode here on Thirikonamalai and restored calm weather. And thus Thirikonamalai became a holy place, and as Shiva or Eshwaran took his abode here, it was therefore known as Thiru-Kon-Eshwaran. Another piece of history is that Chola Kankan, a prince had arrived here on pilgrimage, in keeping with a parental vow and found the temple in shambles. He had immediately taken steps to rebuild the temple in the magnificent Pallawa architecture style.

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